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Sunday 7 April 2013


I have recently really started to get back into music, so I thought I would start doing monthly/random posts about the music I have been listening to lately!

David Gray - White Ladder. I remember the day when my Dad bought this album and he was singing the song 'Babylon' in my face saying 'you know this song Chlo, i know you do!' and I pretended I didn't because to me at the age of 6, this was old man music. Little did I know this would become one of my all time favourite albums! I listen to songs for the lyrics and I really love David Gray's lyrics. Some of my favourite songs from this album would be This Years LoveSail Away and Say Hello Wave Goodbye.

Ed Sheeran - +. It takes me a while to get into music that's quite popular, simply because it gets so over played on the radio and people just go crazy over it and ruin it for me haha. I've always like his music, but in the month of March I thought would download this album and give little Ed a chance. I'm happy I did, I really do like this album! I love the tone of his voice and how sometimes it can sound quite raw.. is that the right term? But that is the only way I can explain what it sounds like haha. In some songs, like Give Me Love, you can literally hear him putting his heart and soul into that recording, amazing song! Some of my favourite songs would be DrunkU.N.I and Give Me Love.

Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More. I started listening to Mumford and Sons before they became popular, then they became popular and once again they got over played. Damn you radio! The first time I listened to them, I instantly fell in love with the sound of the music that they play. It's not very often you come across a band with this sound of music these days. Some of my favourite songs would be White Blank PageLittle Lion Man and The Cave.

 U2 - The Best Of 1980 - 1990. This album along with White Ladder bring back a lot of memories. When I was younger, me and my Dad would go camping a lot. On the way there and back we would either listen to this album or White Ladder, which is why these two albums are some of my favourite albums ever. Some of my favourite songs would be Pride (In The Name Of Love)With Or Without YouI Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For and Sweetest Thing.

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